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Saturday, February 3, 2018

More Winter

So yesterday was groundhog day and the little guy saw his shadow so that means six more weeks of winter. Exactly what I want... no. I mean don't get me wrong I love the cute sweaters and what not I get to wear but I am tired of my skin being dry (even when I moisturize.) The winter winds can be pretty harsh.

Since we (apparently) have a few more weeks of winter, I thought I would share some outfits I like to wear to school. I like to be comfortable yet still kinda cute.

When it's around 50 degrees or lower I like to wear leggings and a t-shirt (usually long sleeve) or a sweatshirt. Usually with nike shoes, or vans, maybe some furry boots depending on my top.

When it's not as cold, usually 65 degrees or something, I'll wear some nike shorts and a long sleeve.
Now when it's warmer out I wear something more like this. It can get pretty hot here in LA, which is not always fun, so shorts and short sleeves are a must! 

Even though I'm ready for warmer weather I am not ready for it to be like 90 something degrees because I'm not trying to start sweating the second I walk outside. There is like no in between sometimes for LA weather and it's rather annoying. 

Well I better go do more school work...  even though The Great Gatsby is on!


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