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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

King Cake Calories Don't Count

Hey y'all! So since it's Mardi Gras season there is like king cake flavored everything, which I'm not complaining about. I love king cake! (which is why I have to stay working out hahah) If you've never had king cake well then you're definitely missing out on something amazing, unless you don't like cinnamon then that's just really sad because you're really missing out.(;

Okay so like I said there is literally king cake flavored everything. Here are some things y'all should definitely try out:

1. A king cake from Rouses Market or Oak Point. I know there are some other places with really good king cakes, but these are the two I can remember the name of haha. Filled with a glaze or not, these are delicious king cakes!

2. If you don't like cinnamon rolls, but you like donuts then you should try a king cake from Mickey's Donuts. This is obviously not a traditional king cake, but still really yummy!

3. King cake cheesecake from Cheesecake Bistro! Y'all... two of my favorite desserts in one. Like there is nothing better, it's a must try hands down!

Like how amazing does that look!

4. Nom-Nom's (a frozen yogurt place) has king cake flavored fro-yo (also another one of my favorite desserts) and it is sooo yummy!

5. Bread pudding king cake from Bistro Byronz. I honestly didn't know it was bread pudding when I first tried it, but it is some kinda good!

6. King Cake Shake from Fat Cow. They look good and taste good!

These are some of my favorite king cake desserts I have tried. Let me know in the comments of anything else y'all have tried, I would love to try it out!


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